Pilot Training Updates
November 2004
On page links to specific dates:
01Nov04, 08Nov04, 28Nov04


01 Nov 04: When we scheduled the cross country for today, we didn't take into account the time change this past weekend.  The flight was scheduled from 1600-2000 est.  Well, since the time change on Saturday night, it gets dark at 1815.  So, we cancelled the flight for today and rescheduled for 1400-1800 next Monday, 05 Nov.  I'll take a half day off and we'll get the flight done during daylight hours.
Time in Log Book (Dual): 0 hrs
Time in Log Book (PIC): 0 hrs
Total time: 18.7 hrs
Next flight is scheduled for: 08 Nov 04

08 Nov 04: Well, another turn of events.  Barry called me this morning.  He got his job with ASA and they want him to start today.  So, that means I would have to start all over with another instructor.  I decided I didn't want to do that.  All the instructors teach differently and I'm tired of having to learn a new way every time I get a new one.  Even if I got a new one at the flight school that suited my way of flying, what's to say he (or she) wouldn't get another job somewhere else and move on?  I don't feel like dealing with the inconsistencies of having multiple instructors.  I called the flight school after I spoke with Barry and told them I wanted whatever money was left in my account and I would get my own instructor that I could stick with until I received my PPL.  There are many certified instructors in the area (including my original, Richard) that I can use.  Bo wasn't very enthused with my decision, but he said he would see what he could do about getting me my money back.  He said he would call me back.  We'll see what happens.

28 Nov 04:  It's now 28 Nov. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday.  A few more things have happened since I last wrote.  I haven't been able to contact the flight school about my money.  Bo called and left me a voicemail last Wednesday, but I haven't been able to return his call yet. In the deal I had, I paid 500 bucks up front for each "block" of time. That way, I'd get a discount on the prices for rentals and instructors.  I had only used 113 dollars of my last 500.  So, it's payment for services not yet rendered.  I may be a charitable person, but I'm not that charitable. :)  So, I'll try and call them back this week and see what they say.
  Another thing that has happened: Dad sold the Falcon.  Yes, you can believe your eyes. Dad SOLD the Falcon.  How did it happen?  Well, there is a guy in Tennessee that had been contacting Dad over the course of a few weeks talking about the Falcon.  There is a guy up near him that has one that is flying and they guy loved the airplane.  He asked Dad if he could come down and look at his.  Dad said, "Sure."  Well, the guy came down and checked it out.  As he was leaving for the day, he made Dad a heck of an offer on the Falcon.  The timing was perfect. Dad and I were at an em pass on the thing. We had built and fixed what we could and were at the point where we needed some serious help. Someone to check out our wiring, help us break in the engine, set up the control surfaces, etc. Things we had never done before.  we could get no one to come help.  We couldn't even hire anyone in this area to help. Dad even put out an ad in the local paper looking to hire an A&P hourly to get the bird flying. Nothing.  He was very frustrated with the whole deal. we had worked a year and half on the thing and we were "this close" to finishing it and could get no one to help.  Well, Kenneth's offer came at the right time.  After they left, Dad and I sat down and had a long talk about it. In the end, Dad decided to take him up on his offer and sell the Falcon. He would then, look for a certified aircraft to purchase where we could go flying immediately and I could finish my training in it also.
  That's the other thing that has happened: In the weeks following, after many phone calls, emails and even some personal looks, Dad has purchased another aircraft.  Well, I say purchased.  Actually, he has talked to the owner and made up his mind to check out another airplane.  We are actually flying up to Erie, PA next Saturday (4 Dec) on Delta to look at the airplane and have a pre-purchase inspection completed it.  If all fairs well, we will fly the airplane back to GA on Sunday or Monday.  I'll hold off on telling what the airplane is or showing any pictures until we get it back next week.  Don't want to jinx anything.. :)  Just wish us luck on our major Cross-Country flight from Meadeville, PA back to Warner Robins, GA.  If all goes well, I'll write more the following week.

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Instrument Images taken from Gulf-Coast-Avionics.com