Falcon XP Updates
Page 2
The first page was getting too big and the pictures weren't all loading the first time, so I've decided to split the pages up to keep load time for dial up users (like myself) down to a minimum.

  31 Jan 04
The move.  We had moved the Falcon's fuselage to Air park back on Thursday, but didn't bring the camera.  Then, on Saturday, Dad, Hal Lorenz, Coy, Dale Lorenz and myself loaded the wings, ailerons, trailing edges and other bits onto my race trailer and moved it all out to Air park.  There, we attached the wings, ailerons and trailing edges.  We saw the full painted airplane together for the first time ever.  Next will be gauges, engine and canopy.

L-R: The wings and bits loaded on my race trailer.  The fuselage waiting for it's wings.  Right after we got the wings on.

L-R: Other side (port?) after wings were on.  Looking at the top where the two painted wings come together.  12 foot fuselage with a 38 foot wingspan pictured with (l-r) Hal Lorenz, Alyssa Lorenz, Dale Lorenz.

05 and 07 Feb 04
Dad and I went out to airpark and attached the canard and winglets.  It's was a pretty cold day and with the wind gusting to 20 mph, it made it a little too cold for these two Southern Boys.  We did the bare minimum for today and bugged out.

Three pictures of the canard after we attached it.

L-R: Me holding the right winglet while Dad inserts the bolts.  Dad and I tightening the winglet.  Me in the fuselage trying to fish out a rudder control cable that got pushed up into the wing.  I didn't get it out this day, but I'll get it next time.

Feb-Mar 04
We have been working on the Falcon, but it's stuff that isn't very "picture-worthy. We've been wiring out from the instrument panel to the engine, mounted the throttle cables and choke cables.  A lot of tedious and time consuming work.  We've mounted and dismounted the engine about 15 times now.  We are making small steps, but we aren't there yet.  We've had business trips, air shows and family commitments that have slowed progress. Keep the faith, we're getting there.

L-R: Me cutting the choke cable.  Dad hooking up the cables in the fuselage.

18 Apr 04
It's coming along.  We have been able to mount the new two-piece canopy on the Falcon.  We put about 10 hours of work into the canopy on this day.

L-R: Me attaching the brace. Dad marking the lexan. Me cutting the lexan.

L-R: Dad and I Fitting, taping and trimming.  Dad taping before we start drilling.  Dad inserting cleco's before we rivet.

19 Apr 04
Dad was off work this day, so he worked all morning and then I dropped by that afternoon to help out.  He had the canopy all but finished by the time I got there.

L-R: Dad riveting the canopy.  Dad riveting the back portion.  The left side view.

L-R: Dad working on the right side.  The 90% finished product. The closed canopy.

L-R: Dad measuring the inside. We are going to move the instrument aft about 6 inches, so we needed the template to make the new one.  The new position strobe. We also two more that will go on each wing tip.

25 Apr 04
  Dad was off this day to start on relocating the Instrument Panel.  We decided to move it aft about 6 inches to make the instruments closer to read and get the switches within better reach.  The 6 inch gap between the old panel and the new one will be nice in helping with the wiring of the instruments and switches.

L-R: The tools used to make the template.  Dad bending the tubing to match the shape of the canopy.  The cardboard template with intercom, GPS and compass attached.

27 Apr 04
The first panel was made from Acrylic.  Dad found out real quick, acrylic doesn't like to be cut.  It shattered while cutting out the last hole.  So, he started over and made the next one from Lexan.  He figured, if it's strong enough to be the canopy, it can surely hold some instruments.

L-R: The new panel. The new panel with the template behind it.

29 Apr 04
We test fitted the new panel today.  You ask why there were two days between the making and test fitting? Air Park, where the Falcon is located clear across town from where dad lives.. It's about a 30-40 minute trip there and it's a trip he doesn't make everyday.  He's hoping to, one day, have a house near the hanger or a hanger near the house.

L-R: Making the template for the original panel cover. The new panel test fit. Closer shot of the new panel test fit.

03 May 04
Set the newly painted panel in temporarily. (It needs to be able to come out so we can finish the wiring. We also mounted the 2 fuse busses on the old panel cover.  We also pulled the engine off (again), took it home and started putting the gear reduction "E-box" together to mount on the engine.  I was humming along putting it together, but the directions weren't written for a complete novice like myself, so I had to put it away for a day, call Ronnie at South Mississippi Rotax and get some very helpful advice.

L-R: New panel installed. New panel with fuse bus visible.  Fuse busses installed.

L-R: Taking off the belt drive.  The bare Rotax 503.  Me torquing the attaching bolts of the e-drive.

10 May 04
  Dad was off again.. (He's off each Monday) He was able to attach the velcro for the wing gap cover.  The wings have a 2 inch gap between them and a piece of fabric is used to cover it.  The fabric is just velcro'ed in place.  He also pulled the protective covering off the lexan and mounted the engine one more time.  The engine will come off once more when the proper bolts that are used to mount it come in the mail.

L-R: The fabric covering the gap. The blue tape is keeping everything in place while the glue on the velcro dries.  Dad in the Falcon attaching the side straps.  Head on shot of the Falcon. It's really not as cramped as it looks.

L-R: The canopy and new seats installed.  The new propeller. The Rotax 503 with the E-drive installed.

14 May 04
  We have started to install the instrument panel.

L-R: The new power distribution  panel with fuse busses.  Close up of panel and busses.  New instrument panel.  The to empty spaces will house the VSI (vertical speed indicator) and compass.

17-18 May 04
  Still working on the instrument panel.  Dad was able to mount the panel a couple of days ago and now we are wiring everything up.  He came and mounted the common ground yesterday.  Today we started to wire the EGT and CHT gauges.  We had to splice a jumper wire to make the connection long enough and then run the wires through the fuselage.  The CHT thermo-couplers ended up being the wrong size so we couldn't finish up today.  We started losing daylight before I had a chance the splice the EGT wires.  I'll get to them on Thursday.

L-R: Dad wiring up the ignition switch.  Me soldering the jumper wire for the CHT.  Me tightening the bottom cover of the engine.

The EGT temp probes.

20 May 04
  More wiring.. Wired up the EGT's, the CHT's and more of the panel.

L-R: Dad soldering more connections. Dad soldering.  Behind the panel after more wires added.

22 and 24 May 04
  After the EAA Picnic on 22 May, Dad and went about wiring more things in the Falcon. The biggest hurdle crossed this day was getting the strobes wired up and grounded so they all work.  On 24 May, Dad mounted the working strobes.

Mounted strobe.

27 May 04
Dad and I worked on mounting and connecting the carburetors, choke and throttle cables.  He already had the muffler mounted by the time I got there.  As for the rest, well, actually, Dad worked on 99% of it. I had attend a work Picnic and then showed up just to kind of help out for a couple hours.  I didn't do much this day.

L-R: The mounted muffler.  Dad working on the throttle cable for the carb.  Dad working on the throttle cables from a different angle. :)

Carbs, cables, and muffler all mounted.

29 May 04
Dad mounted the fuel pump and ran the fuel lines today.  I was preparing to paint my house, so he had no help today.

L-R: The mounted fuel pump can be seen about 2 o'clock from the rear air filter.  Inside the fuselage pod looking at the fuel primer bulb.

10 Jun 04
Everyone has been so busy with other duties, we haven't been able to spend much time on the Falcon lately.  Dad did go out there today and mount the front seat permanently, attached the rear seat rudder pedals onto the back of front seat and attached and lubricated the cables.  He also remounted the fuel pump with dampeners to fight vibration.  And, he  put the new velcro on the seats to hold the cushions and repalced the flutter bar bolts with the proper length bolts. (The old ones were too short)  No pics this time.

22 Jul 04
  Dad has made a few trips out and worked a couple things. Our schedules have finally allowed us to start working together again this week.  We went about attaching the engine primer bulb today.  We had to fabricate the lines and then we were going to mount it.  Mounting needs a "shelf" fabricated. Dad will make that and we'll mount it Saturday.  We also ran across a problem with the throttle and choke cables not moving now that everything is hooked up.  We'll try and find someone to help us troubleshoot that.
L-R: The T-junction for the fuel tank.  Dad putting together the engine primer hoses.

24 Jul 04
  After our EAA meeting, Dad and I went back out to Air Park to work on the Falcon.  On the way, we stopped by Elrod's Field and got some helpful advice from Bob Edmonton and the Ultralight guys.  We were able to finish up the engine wiring, mount the new instruments, wash it and apply the logo decals..  We worked for about 8 hours in 101 degree temps.  But, considering what we were able to accomplish, it was worth it.

L-R: The XP after Dad washed it. Looking head on.. 38 feet of wing comin' at ya!! Me with the Falcon.

L-R: Me applying the XP decal.  The decal on the plane.  A close up of the decal.

28 Nov 04
  Dad sold the Falcon.
The guy that bought the Falcon will be doing a website as well, so we will link to his to keep up with the progress. He promised Dad when he was done, both he and I will get an hour each in the airplane.  Sounds cool to me.

January 2008
The Falcon is flying!!!  The guy that bought it sent us a video a week ago showing the Falcon make it's first flight since we bought it.  It looked great to see that thing take to the air. We're talking about making a trip to Tennessee to see it for ourselves (and maybe bum a quick ride in it)